# The specification
The current version of **NeuroBlueprint** mainly aims to enforce a uniform and consistent [project folder structure](#project-folder-structure).
In addition, it also includes some non-mandatory conventions for [naming files](#file-naming-conventions) and storing [tabular metadata](#tabular-metadata).
We mark requirements with italicised *keywords* that should be interpreted as described by the [Network Working Group](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt). In decreasing order of requirement, these are: *must* {octicon}`alert;1em;sd-text-danger`, *should* {octicon}`info;1em;sd-text-warning`, and *may* {octicon}`check-circle;1em;sd-text-success`.
## Project folder structure
Standardised project folders contain data that are hierarchically structured according to the [BIDS standard](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/02-common-principles.html).
For example:
### Basic principles
* The project folder *may* have any name descriptive of the project, but it *must* be without spaces.
* Within the project folder, data *must* be separated into `rawdata` and `derivatives`.
* `rawdata`: coming out of the data acquisition system (e.g. binary files, tiffs, videos files).
* `derivatives`: any processed data that is derived from `rawdata` (e.g. spike sorting or pose estimation).
* Data within the `rawdata` folder *must* be hierarchically structured into subject/session/datatype levels. Each level *must* contain at least one folder corresponding to the next (lower) level.
* Subject and session folder names *must* consist of key-value pairs separated by underscores, without spaces e.g. `sub-001_id-5645332`.
* Datatype folder names *must* be one of the following : `ephys`, `behav`, `funcimg`, `anat`.
* Datatype folders *must* be placed under the session level.
Below we describe each level of the `rawdata` folder hierarchy in more detail. Though we impose no absolute requirements for the folder structure within `derivatives`, it *should* match the hierarchy in `rawdata` whenever possible.
### Subject
* Each subject *must* have exactly one subject-level folder.
* Subject-level folders *must* be prefixed with a key-value pair that is unique for each subject. The key *must* be `sub` and the value *must* be numerical, e.g. `sub-001`.
* Subjects *should* be assigned ascending numerical labels as they are added to the project. The labels *should* be prefixed with an arbitrary number of 0s for consistent indentation and sorting, e.g. `sub-001`, `sub-002`, `sub-003`.
* Additional key-value pairs with alphanumerical labels *may* be appended after the `sub` key-value pair. For example, animal IDs (e.g. from the animal facility) can be added as follows: `sub-001_id-5645332`. The keys *should* be consistent across subjects.
* valid: `sub-02`, `sub-001_id-5645332_sex-F`, `sub-02_species-mouse`
* invalid:
* `mouse-01`: the first key should have been `sub`.
* `sub-001_female`: `female` should have been written as a key-value pair (e.g. `sex-female`)
* `sub-B`: the `sub` key should have a numerical value
### Session
* Each session *must* have exactly one session-level folder.
* Session-level folders *must* be prefixed with a key-value pair that is unique for each session. The key *must* be `ses` and the value *must* be numerical, e.g. `ses-01`.
* Sessions *should* be assigned ascending numerical labels as they are added to the project. The labels *should* be prefixed with an arbitrary number of 0s for consistent indentation and sorting, e.g. `ses-01`, `ses-02`, `ses-03`.
* Additional key-value pairs with alphanumerical labels *may* be appended after the `ses` key-value pair. For example, dates can be added as follows: `ses-001_date-20230310`. The keys *should* be consistent across subjects.
* If a `date` field is added, it *should* be in the format `YYYYMMDD`.
* If a `time` field is added, it *should* be in the format `HHMMSS`
* If a `datetime` field is added, it *should* be in [ISO8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) format `YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS` e.g. `20231225T133015`.
* Different sessions *may* contain different combinations of datatypes.
* valid: `ses-02`, `ses-2_date-20230204`
* invalid:
* `date-20230204_ses-01`: `ses` should have been the first key
* `session2`: should have been written as `ses-2`
* `ses-A`: the `ses` key should have a numerical value
### Datatype
The datatype folder, placed in the session level folder, is where
data are stored. Two sets of datatype folder names are supported,
either '*Broad*' or '*Narrow*'. The *Broad* datatype names are designed to
cover most use cases:
* `ephys`: electrophysiology (e.g. Neuropixel probes, tetrodes)
* `behav`: behavioural (e.g. video and audio files, response logs)
* `funcimg`: functional imaging (e.g. calcium and voltage imaging)
* `anat`: anatomical (e.g. histology, using confocal or lightsheet)
In some cases, the *Broad* datatype names may not be specific enough,
for example if two different types of electrophysiological (`ephys`)
recording were run. In this case, the *Broad* datatype
name *must* be substituted for a *Narrow* datatype name (rather than placing two
different datatypes in a *Broad* datatype folder). See the dropdown below for
the full list of supported *Narrow* datatypes.
:::{dropdown} Narrow datatypes
:color: info
:icon: info
If a *Narrow* datatype is used instead of a *Broad* datatype anywhere
in the project, the *Narrow* datatype *must* be used across the entire
project. The *Broad* datatype for that category *must* no longer be used.
If you have a modality that does not fit into the current datatype options,
please get in contact!
- `ecephys`: extracellular electrophysiology
- `icephys`: intracellular electrophysiology
- `cscope`: head-mounted widefield macroscope
- `f2pe`: functional 2-photon excitation imaging
- `fmri`: functional magnetic resonance imaging
- `fusi`: functional ultra-sound imaging
These are taken from [BIDS microscopy](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modality-specific-files/microscopy.html)
(with the exception of `mri`).
- `2pe`: 2-photon excitation microscopy
- `bf`: bright-field microscopy
- `cars`: coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
- `conf`: confocal microscopy
- `dic`: differential interference contrast microscopy
- `df`: dark-field microscopy
- `fluo`: fluorescence microscopy
- `mpe`: multi-photon excitation microscopy
- `nlo`: nonlinear optical microscopy
- `oct`: optical coherence tomography
- `pc`: phase-contrast microscopy
- `pli`: polarized-light microscopy
- `sem`: scanning electron microscopy
- `spim`: selective plane illumination microscopy
- `sr`: super-resolution microscopy
- `tem`: transmission electron microscopy
- `uct`: micro-CT
- `mri`: magnetic resonance imaging
In this example experiment, both functional
magnetic resonance imaging (`fmri`) and
functional two-photon imaging (`f2pe`) were run
across two difference sessions. Then, anatomical
imaging was performed at the end (here stored in a
single session) using both brightfield (`bf`) and
two-photon imaging (`2pe`).
Optional key-value pairs in the [filename](#file-naming-conventions)
are used to again indicate the datatype, but this is not required.
└── sub-001/
├── ses-001/
│ └── fmri/
│ └── sub-001_ses-001_dtype-fmri.nii
├── ses-002/
│ └── f2pe/
│ └── sub-001_ses-002_dtype-f2pe.mat
└── ses-005_type-histology/
├── bf/
│ └── sub-001_ses-003_dtype-bf.tif
└── 2pe/
└── sub-001_ses-003_dtype-2pe.tif
### Example project folder
A real project folder might look like:
└── project/
├── rawdata/
│ └── sub-001_id-5645332/
│ ├── ses-01_date-20230310/
│ │ ├── ephys/
│ │ │ ├── sub-001_ses-01_recording-01.bin
│ │ │ └── sub-001_ses-01_probe-3A.imec0
│ │ └── behav/
│ │ ├── sub-001_ses-01_camera-01.wav
│ │ └── sub-001_ses-01_data-responses.csv
│ └── ses-02_date-20230311/
│ └── anat/
│ └── sub-001_image-brain.tiff
└── derivatives/
└── sub-001_id-5645332/
├── ses-01_date-20230310/
│ ├── ephys/
│ │ └── sub-001_ses-01_data-spikes.npy
│ └── behav/
│ └── sub-001_ses-01_data-poses.csv
└── ses-02_date-20230311/
└── anat/
└── sub-001_data-cellcounts.csv
## File naming conventions
**NeuroBlueprint** imposes no absolute requirements on file names. That said, below we provide some recommendations for file names, based on the [BIDS specification](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/02-common-principles.html#filenames).
:::{admonition} What makes a good file name?
:class: tip
* be nice to humans -> readable and descriptive
* be nice to computers -> parseable and consistent
* use alphanumeric characters `Aa-Zz, 0-9`, dashes `-`, underscores `_`
* avoid spaces and special characters
* use appropriate extensions for each file type (e.g. `.csv`, `.avi`, `.tiff`)
* don't rely on capitalization to distinguish files (some operating systems are case-insensitive)
* File names *should* be formatted as series of key-value pairs ending with a file extension:
* Key-value pairs *should* be separated by underscores while the keys and values are separated by hyphens (e.g. `sub-001_ses-001_key1-value1_key2-value2.csv`).
* Anything after the left-most stop (`.`) is considered as the file extension.
* `sub` and `ses` *should* be included in the filename. This can seem redundant, given that the file is already in a `sub-